Lighthouse Christian Homeschool Academy Untitled Header Image Lighthouse Christian Homeschool Academy

Volunteer Policy and Preferences

indicates a required answer

LCHA is run by its member families. Each family is responsible for specific (and shared) job duties throughout the year. When you register to become a member of LCHA you must choose volunteer jobs if anyone in your family is enrolled in classes at LCHA.   

If you are unable to volunteer at the co-op, there is buyout option for $325.00/year. The buyout is due at time of registration. (The buyout can be paid through PayPal to [email protected]  or via the paypal button on the Request New Membership or Renew Membership pages.) If you have any questions, please contact our Registrar at [email protected].

Each family needs to choose a volunteer position.  Teacher Assistants are the greatest of need, seeing that LCHA is required to have two adults in each classroom.  Therefore we need to have our TA positions filled first.

Teens, 9th grade and above, are able to volunteer to earn Bright Futures volunteer hours.  Please see the Director for details.

You will need to sign up for your volunteer position on the website.  You will find the Parent Volunteer schedule under the Current Class Schedule.  It is located in the same page as to where you will sign your child(ren) up for classes.  If you need assistance in registering for your volunteer position please email us at [email protected]

  • TEACHER ASSISTANTS (TA) (1 per class per period)

Assists the teacher in a class by working with students and aiding the teacher in whatever capacity needed.  Each class needs a teacher assistant even if no hands-on assistance is needed.  The TA can also serve as another adult presence in the classroom.  Some classes may require more than one TA because of the size or level of activity or age of the students.


Lunch is served from 11:30 until 12:25.  Pizza served at 11:35.  Students can get up to play at 11:50.  Lunch is over at 12:25

Multiple individuals will work together to serve pizza to families.  After lunch, the team will take pizza boxes to the trash bin located outside of the kitchen, wipe down tables, and make sure spills are cleaned (if necessary). This volunteer position requires that the volunteers monitor students using the breezeway during recess from 11:50 - 12:25.  At 12:25pm, we ask the volunteers to remind students to clean up the breezeway and head to their next registered class. The monitor will ensure children are acting in accordance with the LCHA Member Handbook. 


The Pizza Caller & Pick-Up will calculate the total number of pizzas needed based on sign up, place order and pick up order. All details needed to order and pick up will be located in the pizza binder.

  • BIRTHDAY TEAM (3 needed)

Birthdays are celebrated each month. Bring baked or purchased goodies (nut-free) and distribute them at lunch time.  Examples of goodies include brownies, cupcakes, cookies, and/or rice crispy treats.

  • MORNING SET UP (2 needed)

Put out classroom supplies in blue bin, put up co-op signs in plastic frames outside classroom doors, set up for lunch (water, plates, napkins, and gloves),  and set-up coffee/tea supplies and make coffee.

  • END OF DAY CLEANUP (2 needed)

Naturally we want to leave Living Word Church better than we found it.  The crew will vacuum and wipe down tables in "The Hub", take out trash, tidy bathrooms, ensure classrooms have been left better than found, remove coffee and lunch supplies and place all supplies back in supply closet.  Set A/C units at 80 degrees.

  • SPECIAL EVENT TEAM (3 needed)

Assist Board of Directors to plan, set-up, assist the day of, and clean up from the following events:  Christmas Program, Shining Stars Art Show, and End of Year Performing Arts Show.

  • YEARBOOK TEAM (2 needed)

Coordinates every aspect of the yearbook.  Work alongside teacher to gather pictures and put together yearbook by creating pages as necessary using In addition,  take photos of all teachers, board, and students at begining of year.


Photographer to offer their services to take yearbook photos of all Board members, Teachers, students and class group photo.  Work along with Yearbook Team for hands on class photos and compiling the yearbook.  


Work with Student Government to plan, coordinate, announce and attend field trips throughout the year.  Field Trips can be for elementary aged, middle school/high school, or a combination thereof.  Field trip participation should reflect the conduct, dress and behavior codes outlined in the handbook.  


Keeps an eye out for inquiries on homeschool social media sights and responds to recommend LCHA.  Post information to the LCHA Public Facebook Page and Instagram. Purpose of this role is to promote LCHA to the homeschool families in our surrounding  communities.

  • THE HUB (1 adult for each period)

Parent Volunteers in The Hub will take roll and manage the classroom according to the description below.

IMPORTANT: If a student is not on the roster for The Hub, please add them as a visitor for that period. Write their first and last name. Their parents will be contacted to register them.

Students who are on campus but do not have a class during a particular period must be registered in The Hub.  The Hub is not designed to be a childcare forum.   

The Hub will have adult supervision. The Hub is a gathering place for students and parents to socialize with one another being mindful of the classes in session around them. No horseplay or running is permitted. The Hub is a place to chat with friends, play quiet games, and work on group projects.  Students must be registered in The Hub for the period they will be there. Attendance will be taken.  

  • WELCOME DESK (1 adult per period)

This individual will select a class period to sit at the front desk to monitor activities such as pizza sign-up and student sign-in. This individual should also monitor students’ conduct (walking not running and keeping voices quiet.) Visitors should be addressed who come in the front doors. Visitors who have not been background checked by LCHA Administration may not proceed beyond sign-in area. 


I have read, understand, and agree to the terms of the VOLUNTEER FORM above.

1. *

First Name:

2. *

Last Name

3. *

 Phone Number:

4. *

Email Address: