Lighthouse Christian Homeschool Academy Untitled Header Image Lighthouse Christian Homeschool Academy

Tuition Payment Policy

indicates a required answer

Registration fees are $75.00 per year for one child attending LCHA, regardless of how many classes are taken, or $100.00 per year per family with two or more children in the same family attending LCHA, regardless of the number of the classes taken. Registration fees are used to cover insurance fees, church usage fees, background checks expenses, website fees, and co-op supplies. Registration fees are payable via PayPal to [email protected]

  • Payments for September Class Fees and Supplies are due at registration. Your child(ren) are not considered registered for classes until payment has been made. Each teacher sets the fees for the classes and supplies. The monthly class fees constitute eight equal installment payments for the entire class tuition.
  • Some classes have no supply fee, while other classes have one supply fee for the year payable at registration. The remaining classes have spring supply fees included in your monthly tuition with fall supply fees due at registration. 
  • Once registered all your invoices can be viewed and paid through your online account with LCHA on our website. Login and click “Balance” at the top of the homepage. Your account will list all your invoices for the entire year. To pay invoices, check the box next to the applicable invoice(s) in the “Pay” column and click the CONTINUE button on the top right. This will take you to the site to process payment. Fees can be paid on a monthly basis via our website only.  If you decide to pay for the entire school year, you can pay via our website.  It is the family’s responsibility to review the invoices. If a family finds any inaccuracies, it is the family’s responsibility to contact our Treasurer at [email protected].

  • Annual/Fall Semester Supply Fees Due at Registration
  • September Class Fees Due at Registration
  • October Class Fees Due September 20th
  • November Class Fees Due October 20th
  • December Class Fees Due November 20th
  • January Class Fees Due December 20th
  • February Class Fees Due January 20th
  • March Class Fees Due February 20th
  • April/May Class Fees Due March 20th
  • Co-op participation is contingent upon fees being paid on time. Fees are non-refundable, including fees paid in advance. There are no partial refunds if your child drops a class in the middle of the month. The cost of books, workbooks or other material ordered specifically for your child is non-refundable.
  • It is very important that class fees are paid on or before your due date because the co-op must use those fees to pay the teachers. Failure to pay class fees on time creates great difficulty in paying teachers in a timely manner.
  • If fees are not paid by the last day of the month in which they are due, a $50 LATE FEE will be added to your account.  If all fees are not paid by the 1st of the month following their due date, your student will be asked not to attend class until your account has been brought up-to-date. (Please see the Tuition Payment Policy for the applicable due dates.)

  • Families will be responsible for paying all bank fees in the case of insufficient funds.
  • If a class should be canceled for any reason, the families will be compensated for that missed class or a make-up class will be scheduled.


1. *

By my typed name below, I hereby agree to these policies.

Electronic Signature

2. *
